The Nine of Wands stands for energy on the spiritual level of human expression. Nine of Wands upright: aimfullness. Nine…
The Eight of Wands stands for intelligence on the spiritual level of human expression. Eight of Wands upright: goal-orientedness. Eight…
The Seven of Wands stands for creativity on the spiritual level of human expression. Seven of Wands upright: aspiration. Seven…
The Six of Wands stands for self-consciousness on the spiritual level of human expression (wands). Six of Wands upright: philanthropy….
The Five of Wands stands for law on the spiritual level of human expression (wands). Five of Wands upright: observance…
The Four of Wands stands for benevolence or grace on the spiritual level (wands). Four of Wands upright: kindness. Four…
The Three of Wands stands for understanding on the spiritual level (wands). Three of Wands upright: integration. Three of Wands…
The Two of Wands stands for wisdom and ideation on the spiritual level (wands). Two of Wands upright: authority. Two…
The Ace of Wands stands for intention on the spiritual level (wands), i.e., cosmic intention. Ace of Wands upright: Initiative….